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Common Transponder Key Problems

Operating our vehicle starts with our car key. Although our vehicle keys may be small, they are crucial for the operation of any car. Not all car keys are built the same, however, and losing or breaking your vehicle key may cause you more trouble than you initially anticipated. This is especially true if you own a type of vehicle key that is known as a transponder key.

Transponder keys are also called ‘chip’ keys. This is because the transponder system that makes up the transponder key runs on microchips and electronic signals. There are two chips in the transponder system. One chip sits inside of the head of the transponder key, while the other sits tucked away inside of your vehicle. These two chips connect to one another through an electronic signal and pair perfectly together once a clear signal is established.

The Purpose of a Transponder Key

So, what does the transponder signal do, anyway? Why is it necessary in the first place? Well, prior to the invention of transponder keys, stealing cars by hotwiring them was a major problem. Vehicles without transponder keys can be rigged to drive without a key. Skillful manipulation of the wiring can result in the car starting and being driven off by a criminal.

Transponder keys effectively wipe out the possibility that hotwiring will even work at all. Vehicles that have transponder keys have a safeguard against this kind of vehicle theft. You see, in order for a vehicle with a transponder system in place to start, two important things must happen. First, the proper transponder key must be present. Second, the signal between the transponder key and the chip inside of the car must be clear.

Without the right transponder key in hand, your vehicle will not start. Owning a transponder key is a great way to increase the security surrounding your vehicle and prevent theft. You likely own a transponder key if you have a vehicle that was made after the mid-1990s. It was around this time that vehicle manufacturers were required to make transponder keys with unique and personalized signals for all of their vehicles. Even vehicles that come from the same maker or location will have their own transponder signal established.

Common Problems

Although transponder keys have changed vehicle security for the better, there are times when transponder systems will malfunction or other issues will present themselves, such as a lost transponder key. Consider whether or not you are experiencing any of the common transponder key problems listed below and find out how to get your transponder key replaced or fixed quickly.

Problem #1 – Broken Transponder Key

It may not be apparent that your transponder key is broken or malfunctioning just from looking at it. Of course, any visible breaks on the exterior of your transponder key will affect how it functions. If you attempt to start your vehicle and find that it will not start, it is possible that the signal inside of your transponder key is broken, out of place, or worn. If the signal from inside of your transponder key is not emitting properly, then your vehicle signal will not be able to connect to it or recognize that the proper key is in range.

Problem #2 – Broken Transponder Signal

Similarly, you may be experiencing an issue with the vehicle’s transponder signal. With this kind of problem, just as with a broken key chip, you may not be able to tell right away. With a broken vehicle chip, you may find that your car will not start. Even though both a broken vehicle signal and a broken key signal will present symptoms that mimic other vehicle problems, as soon as the transponder key is repaired or replaced, you should have no problem driving your vehicle.

Problem #3 – Lost Transponder Key

A lost transponder key is different from a lost vehicle key that does not have a transponder chip. Any replacement keys that you have for your vehicle that are not outfitted with a transponder signal will be useless when it comes to actually driving your car. To get your vehicle driving again, a transponder key replacement will be necessary. Most vehicle replacement keys are only useful for trunk, door, and glovebox unlocking. Unless you have a secondary transponder key, you will need to have a professional make a new transponder key for you.

Replace Your Transponder Key ASAP!

A mobile locksmith is recommended if you ever need an immediate and affordable transponder key change. Replacing your transponder key is easy when you call a mobile locksmith. Instead of taking your car into a dealership or towing it to some other kind of service, you can have a competent and professional worker show up right at your location. Call around to find a mobile locksmithing service in your area the next time you find yourself experiencing issues with your transponder key.

Transponder keys can be replaced and programmed fast, as long as you work with the right professional. A mobile locksmith is the best way to get the help you need immediately in order to get you back on the road!

Hire a Mobile Locksmith in Western Springs!

Do you need assistance with a transponder key replacement? Are you stranded at your home or some other location in Western Springs, IL due to a broken or lost transponder key? Do not worry! Turner Locksmith Pros is here to help! For Western Springs residents, there is no better locksmith to turn to, especially if you need on-site assistance. Our transponder key replacement services are highly affordable! We also have the fastest response times compared to any other mobile locksmithing services in the area. If you want assistance with your vehicle lock and key problems fast, there is only one expert to call! Let Turner Locksmith Pros help you with all of your vehicle lock and key needs today! We also service home and business lock and key requests, so no matter what security issues you are facing, we promise to be there to help!